Edible Vineyard’s Chef profile: A conversation with Betsy Carnie, who runs the Charter School food program with sustainability in mind.
Five years ago, Martha’s Vineyard Public Charter School head chef Betsy Carnie imagined a new school kitchen for students. “I wanted to start from scratch. I had a few lines in the sand. For instance, we would only serve meat from here and offer local Massachusetts milk. No seed oil, because no industrial fats for growing bodies. Butter or olive oil instead. I wanted to reduce waste — from using seconds from the grocery store to less food waste to using as little plastic and single use containers as possible. But I also wanted to communicate to the students and staff the idea that we are part of a food continuum. There’s the soil, the seeds, the farmers planting the seeds, the people who harvest our food, the movement of food from one place to us, the preparation and eating it — these are all important relationships. And there are stories about the food at each step along the continuum.”
Read full article and see more pictures at ediblevineyard.com