Please note: this page is a ARCHIVE of information from the 2020-2021 school year. For up-to-date information on the school’s COVID-19 Protocols, please click here.

In view of the COVID -19 pandemic not having abated and the health and safety of the school community being our primary concern, the Board of Trustees adopts the following policies herewith:

It is the policy of the Martha’s Vineyard Public Charter School that we will follow guidelines from the Department of Early and Secondary Education, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and the Centers for Disease Control regarding the Surveillance, Reporting and Control of the Corona Virus Pandemic.

Policy Adopted on September 16, 2020

Important requirements for all families:

These two forms must be filled out prior to your child attending school on campus. There will be no exceptions.

Requisitos importantes para todas as famílias: Esses dois formulários devem ser preenchidos antes de seu filho frequentar a escola no campus. Não haverá exceções.

Please note that all traffic will flow in a counter-clockwise direction for school arrival:

School Opening Information

Dear Charter School families,

Although there is a great deal of uncertainty in our world today, I wanted to share that the Martha’s Vineyard Public Charter School is excited to offer an exciting, innovative and child-centered experience for all of our students.

This will be a year markedly different than any other in academics and interaction, but I wanted to convey to you thatThe Charter School will continue to remain committed to our pillars of Trust, Respect, Responsibility, Cooperation, Democracy, and Freedom. Now, more than ever, these pillars will guide us as we plan for a school year in the midst of a pandemic.

We also have Charter School rights.These are:

  • To feel safe in mind, body, and spirit.
  • To have personal property reserved for personal use, unless loaned or given to someone else.
  • To have needs, aspirations, and responsibilities acknowledged and respected.
  • To be oneself as long as one is responsive to others.
  • To have a clean, tidy, and vandalism free campus.

As we prepare for our phased re-opening, we will continue to focus on the first school right to guide our planning. All students, their families, and our Charter School staff should “feel safe in mind, body, and spirit.”We know that our school day will look different without all 180 students and 50 staff singing together on Main Street, but we are still a Charter School blessed with extraordinary educators who care deeply about promoting creativity, curiosity, and independence in young people. The Charter School starts school on September 15th, 2020.The school year will, therefore, be 170 days.The extra ten days will be used to provide professional development opportunities for our staff. Due to the unique nature of Martha’s Vineyard, and the fact that thousands of visitors come to the island from all over the U.S. and the world, it is essential that we provide time for the island to “catch its breath” before holding large gatherings.

We know how critical it is to bring students together with their teachers and classmates.We will be offering a hybrid educational program.This would be a combination of remote learning while providing specific times when students and staff can return to campus and other parts of the island in a safe and socially-distanced environment.We have obtained a number of large tents for outdoor learning, and we will use these for in-person lessons throughout the fall.

We will use a phased approach. In October, we will analyze the data to determine if we can find more opportunities for students and teachers to meet in person. Again, we will follow the health data closely to determine if it is safe to bring students and staff on campus.We are hoping to promote opportunities for all students to use the island as their classroom. In combination with remote learning, we are looking for expeditionary learning opportunities for older students.

A detailed schedule for remote learning and on-campus classes will be sent home in the next few weeks along with information on transportation. Please do not hesitate to contact me at if you have any questions.


Pete Steedman, Ed. D.


Read Our Letter to the Community here

Read Our Executive Summary and Opening Plan here

The family orientation committee meets regularly to discuss ways for our students, faculty and staff to come together safely. Our focus is to build community in many different formats whether that be online or in person, while keeping the focus of health and safety at the forefront of our planning. Many of our teachers have participated in the professional development webinar, ModernTeacher. The Modern Teacher platform has allowed staff to learn and develop ways to enhance student learning along with reflecting on their own practices from this past spring.With the help of Modern Teacher we are excited for teachers to streamline their online presence in a way that is consistent across grade levels.


Read Our MVPCS Family Orientation Information here

To the Martha’s Vineyard Community,


We understand that there is apprehension about returning to in person learning in the fall. Every individual has their own set of circumstances and concerns for their health and their family’s health. The Health and Safety Committee for the Island Task Force is committed to carrying out the health and safety requirements of our schools with the guidance from the MA Department of Public Health (MA DPH), Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).


The Island Task Force Health and Safety Committee


Protocol for Coming Into School If Someone in Your Household is Awaiting Test Results

If anyone in your household is awaiting test results for other than routine testing such as:

  • Recent travel out of state
  • A household member is sick
  • A household member is a close contact
  • A household member is awaiting information from the Board of Health on a situation that you may have been a part of

Staff and students must stay at home until test results are received and negative.

If test results are positive, then all household members must abide by the instructions from the Board of Health before returning to school

Protocol for Students in Quarantine Due to Being a Close Contact

All students MUST complete a 14 day quarantine if they have been deemed a close contact by the Board of Health before they return to school.

If a student is a household close contact, it is advised that that students test on day 5 or more and then again on day 8. Please contact your Primary Care Provider to schedule these tests.

The Martha’s Vineyard Public Charter School is dedicated to providing a Free and Appropriate Public Education to all students in the least restrictive environment. During our phased reopening plan, IEPs will be implemented during times of remote and hybrid learning, as described below. Students with disabilities will continue to receive the accommodations and interventions prescribed by their IEPs or 504 plans. In all three models, in-class support as well as 1:1 and small group interventions will continue to be provided and may include teleconferencing in all settings as a means to reduce class sizes and mixing between various student groups.


Read Our Full MVPCS Student Services Plan here

Teachers have been working hard to learn and create digital learning experiences that can be delivered face to face, in the classroom (synchronous), or on students’ and families’ timing (asynchronous). Regardless of what option we use, dependence on technology will be of the utmost importance.


Read Our MVPCS Technology Outline here

Prior to the mandatory social distancing mandate (March 13 2020) due to COVID-19, the guidance staff, teachers, and administrators at MVPCS provided in-person tiered level social emotional support for MVPCS students and families.This multi-tiered system included:Tier 1: universal,Tier 2: targeted,Tier 3: intensive.Various social emotional services included individual counseling, groups counseling, educator consultation, task force engagement around special community topics, and building specific instruction on topics related to health, wellness, substance abuse prevention and at- risk behaviors. SE and health related instruction relied on the school nurse, classroom teachers, health education teachers, and administrative support.The goal of this proposal is to bring uniformity and consistency to the delivery of universal social emotional programming in a remote and/or hybrid learning model. In efforts to circumvent unique constraints in regard to resources, finances, remote learning barriers, personnel and time, the following plan allows for grade level teachers to deliver evidenced-based SEL learning opportunities across K-6 grade levels via readily accessible modules/ curriculum on google classroom.


Read Our MVPCS Plan for Social Emotional Learning here


The Orientation Committee is currently exploring ways that we can bring small groups of students to campus in a safe and socially-distanced environment.  For younger students, we know that creating a special bond with their teacher will be essential for success this academic year.  We are hoping to promote opportunities for all students to use the island as their classroom.  In combination with remote learning, we are looking for expeditionary learning opportunities for older students. 

O Comitê de Orientação está atualmente explorando maneiras de levar pequenos grupos de estudantes para o campus em um ambiente seguro e socialmente distante.  Para os alunos mais jovens, sabemos que criar um vínculo especial com seu professor será essencial para o sucesso neste ano acadêmico.  Esperamos promover oportunidades para todos os alunos usarem a ilha como sala de aula.  Em combinação com o aprendizado remoto, estamos procurando oportunidades de aprendizagem expedicionárias para alunos mais velhos.

This summer, The Charter School has purchased over 70 new Chromebooks. As we approach the coming school year, if you need a computer, please reach out to Assistant Director, Scott Goldin at to learn how to secure a device for the upcoming year.  Additionally, please let us know if you need additional wifi support.  We will work with you to explore ways to expand internet access in your area.

Neste verão, a Charter School comprou mais de 70 novos Chromebooks. À medida que nos aproximamos do próximo ano letivo, se você precisar de um computador, entre em contato com o diretor assistente, Scott Goldin, da para aprender como proteger um dispositivo para o próximo ano.  Além disso, informe-nos se você precisa de suporte wi-fi adicional.  Trabalharemos com você para explorar maneiras de expandir o acesso à internet em sua área.  

The health and safety of our children, families, and staff is and will remain our top priority.  We have recently received PPE and hand sanitizer stations that will be put in place if we determine that it is safe to have students in the classroom.  We have secured a number of large tents that will be installed throughout the campus to help facilitate outside learning opportunities.  The all-island health and safety plan will be released at the Board Meeting on Thursday night at 5:30. We encourage you to wear a mask, remain socially distant, and to wash your hands regularly.  These are the most important protocols that will help mitigate the spread of the virus.  As the wearing of masks will be mandatory for students in Grades 2-12, and for all students riding the bus, students should start practicing wearing masks in preparation for the school year.

A saúde e a segurança de nossas crianças, famílias e funcionários é e continuará sendo nossa prioridade.  Recebemos recentemente EPI e estações de desinfetante para as mãos que serão colocadas em prática se determinarmos que é seguro ter alunos em sala de aula.  Conseguimos uma série de grandes tendas que serão instaladas em todo o campus para ajudar a facilitar as oportunidades de aprendizagem externa.  O plano de saúde e segurança de todas as ilhas será liberado na Reunião do Conselho na quinta-feira à noite às 5:30. Nós encorajamos você a usar uma máscara, permanecer socialmente distante, e lavar as mãos regularmente.  Estes são os protocolos mais importantes que ajudarão a mitigar a propagação do vírus.  Como o uso de máscaras será obrigatório para os alunos das séries 2 a 12, e para todos os alunos que andam de ônibus, os alunos devem começar a praticar usando máscaras na preparação para o ano letivo.

In many respects, transportation remains one of the most important and complex issues facing all schools on the island. DESE guidelines have indicated that we will only be allowed to have one passenger on a seat at a time.  For more information about the Transportation Fall Reopening Guidelines, please click here.

A bus monitor will also have to be on the bus.  Specific safety guidelines for transportation on the Island are outlined on pages 8-14 in the Health and Safety Guidance.  A survey has been sent to families to determine the number of passengers that will be riding the buses in September.

Once we determine how many riders will participate in morning and afternoon runs, we will establish a schedule for all Island schools.

Em muitos aspectos, o transporte continua sendo uma das questões mais importantes e complexas enfrentadas por todas as escolas da ilha. As diretrizes da DESE indicaram que só poderemos ter um passageiro em um assento por vez.  Para obter mais informações sobre as Diretrizes de Reabertura de Queda de Transporte, clique aqui.

Um monitor de ônibus também terá que estar no ônibus.  As diretrizes específicas de segurança para o transporte na Ilha estão descritas nas páginas 8-14 da Orientação de Saúde e Bem-Estar.  Uma pesquisa foi enviada às famílias para determinar o número de passageiros que estarão andando nos ônibus em setembro.

Assim que determinarmos quantos ciclistas participarão nas corridas da manhã e da tarde, estabeleceremos um cronograma para todas as escolas da Ilha.